Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Reading While Listening

Michael has previously written about audiobooks, finding free literature for your iPod at LibriVox. But what of the poor souls who bring make a living by bringing you your commuting literature? The LA Times recently published a feature on narrators. The tease: "Just how does the commuter's salvation, a.k.a. the audio book, make it from page to iPod? Hint: There's a lot of patience required, not to mention Blistex and reverie." The article reminds you of the obvious - it's hard work to talk and talk and talk, pronouncing everything correctly and putting the perfect inflection into dialogue. But what an awesome way to inhabit a book.

Now, I've never really been into the audio book. I think I get more easily distracted when I'm listening to words than when I'm seeing them. Also, if the voice is wrong, it can ruin it for me entirely. (I listened to part of Sister Carrie once, and was convulsing at the narrator's drag queen take on Carrie's voice.) But I think I'd like them for the right books. Does anyone have suggestions?

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