Friday, April 22, 2005

Welcome to my (book) world

At least four years after blogging stopped being cool and started being ubiquitous, I have finally joined the party. For years I've attempted to keep various lists of the books I'm reading, so that
  1. I can admire myself for all the reading I've done and all the impressive books on the list
  2. I can remember what I've read lately when someone - oftentimes Michael's mom, a librarian - asks if we're read anything good
  3. I can quickly recall what books might be good for recommendations to other people
Today, walking in Larchmont, I decided it would be easier to do this online, and write capsule reviews to capture my thoughts, which would be easy to share with friends scattered across the globe that might be interested but who never get this news in my e-mails, sort of the Washingtonienne line of reasoning - but without the sex with politcos.

A bit about me: I'm 25, live in LA just south of Hollywood in a ritzy neighborhood that I can't afford on my non-profit salary, and have recently fled a PhD program in DC for the glorious weather of my hometown. (Michael would probably stop here to remind readers that I'm from lame suburban Thousand Oaks, not Los Angeles, but that's beside the point.)

Also, I've been going through a pink phase lately, which is the explanation for the template.

Overtime, I hope to figure out how to add links that will offer favorite books by theme, but that's asking too much for now.

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